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Domestic Violence You Tube Video "Burn it Down" by OnaKalima has been taken down by YouTube!
"BURN IT DOWN" VIDEO HAS BEEN REMOVED BY THE YouTube POLICE!"Thank you for writing to me. I am in the middle of moving, but was getting ready to write to you for help. I received an email that stated that my video had been removed for violating the community guidelines. I looked to the guidelines and couldn't see any I had violated. HELP! We had gotten up to nearly 7,000 views and now we have to start from scratch. I was starting to receive a lot of hate-oriented comments about being a "communist dyke" and stuff like that--what do you think??"
DailyPUMA thinks the PUMA community needs to contact YouTube. Suggestions for the best avenue to do this would be greatly appreciated. What is worse than images depicting violence against woman? Striking down a message about Violence against Woman. Shame on you YouTube for not having more common sense.
PLEASE FAX YouTUBE at 1-650-253-0001 and ask that OnaKalima's "Burn it Down" video be reinstated.In real life, Carroll O'Connor passed on in 2001, Jean Stapleton is still alive.
I saw Jean Stapleton in a movie last night called "A Matter of Sex". A Matter of Sex is a modern day (early 80's) suffragettes movie revolving around 8 women who went on strike because their bank would not promote them or pay them in line with their male counterparts.Suddenly I saw the additional irony being played out in real life.
In fact, Carroll O'Connor would get another television series as well. However, Jean Stapleton could never use her famous character Edith because Edith had been killed off.